University of Michigan, College of Literature, Science, and the Arts
Please fill out the form below to apply to the Douglass Houghton Scholars Program.
First name: Middle initial: Last name:
City, state, zip:
Home phone: Cell phone:
E-mail address:
If known, please provide your UMID number: and uniqname:
High school name, city, state, and zip:
HS counselor: Most recent math teacher:
Last math class taken: Year:
Are you planning to take, or have you taken an AP exam in calculus? Yes, I will take / have taken the Calculus AB exam Yes, I will take / have taken the Calculus BC exam I am taking calculus, but I am not planning to take an AP exam I am not taking / have not taken calculus in high school
Primary academic interest / likely college major: Life sciences (biology, environmental science, etc.) Physical sciences (chemistry, physics, astronomy, etc.) Mathematics (mathematics, statistics, computer science, actuarial science, etc.) Computer science or data science Social sciences (psychology, economics, political science, etc.) Humanities (English, language or cultural studies, art history, philosophy, etc.) Other (specify below) Undecided
If you selected "other" above, please specify:
Please check each box to indicate agreement. Note that you can submit this application before making your final decision to attend LSA.
If I join DHSP, I agree to register for the following four courses:
Students are the key to making DHSP work. Your own and your classmates' success will depend on your willingness to challenge yourself and your peers, to continue working even when you're frustrated, to teach and to listen, to experiment and to try new ideas, and to collaborate with all members of your group, especially those from educational or cultural backgrounds different from yours. By describing a specific experience you've had, tell us why you are a good candidate for the program, and why you are interested in science and/or math.
Leave a blank line between paragraphs.
Type your name below in lieu of a physical signature.
Signed: Date:
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