Problems to study for Math 116 Exam 3

Here is a breakdown of Math 116 Exam 3 by topic. Each problem reference is a link, so you can click on it to see the problem. Your browser should take you to the right page of the exam, but keep in mind that the problem you're looking for might be toward the bottom of the page. Next to each problem you'll see a # character. If you click on that, it should take you to the solution.

Old exam problems should not be the only thing you study. They are designed to test knowledge, not teach it. And there's a danger that you might start thinking you know exactly what will be on the test. While there are some predictable topics, there will undoubtedly be questions on this year's exam which are different from any that have appeared before. So keep in mind that you're training yourself to approach hard problems, not memorizing how to do particular types.

Here's my suggestion for how to use this page:

  1. Try a sampling of problems to identify an area that you need help with.
  2. Go to your book to read about the topic.
  3. Come back here and find more problems on the same topic, to see if you got it.

Don't omit step 2.

I'm not entirely happy with the topics shown below. Please make suggestions on how to better categorize problems.

Let me know any errors you find, and any other feedback you have on how well it works and how to make it more useful. Links to all the exams are at the bottom of the page.

Topic 2001–2012 2013–present
TF/Multiple choice [1#] [2#] [6#] [6#] [9#] [10#] [1#] [9#] [1#] [1#] [1#] [1#] [1#] [1#] [3#] [5#] [6#] [11#] [5#] [12#] [9#] [10#] [5#] [9#] [8#] [10#] [10#]
Radius/Interval of Conv [2#] [5#] [3#] [3#] [8a#] [relativity(9b)#] [cos(8a)#] [6#] [2#] [7abd#] [3#] [8#] [3#] [8#] [5#] [5#] [8#] [7#] [8b#] [6c#] [8#] [9#] [2a#] [5#] [7#] [8a#] [8#] [12#] [1#] [2#] [12#] [7#] [3c#] [9#] [10a#] [3#] [4#] [5a#] [3c#] [6#] [9b#] [11c#] [1bc#] [7#] [10b#] [1b#] [5#] [3a#] [10a#] [3#] [6#] [3b#] [4#] [8ab#] [10#] [2#] [4#] [5#] [6a#] [7#] [1#] [3c#] [8#] [1d#] [9#] [3a#] [7#] [10ab#] [11#] [2#] [7b#]
Taylor Series [7#] [8#] [7#] [3#] [relativity(6)#] [essay(10)#] [Si(4)#] [3#] [electric potential(10)#] [electric potential(8)#] [1a#] [5#] [Doppler(8a)#] [Doppler(10a)#] [1#] [7#] [relativity(9a)#] [7c#] [cos(8)#] [2#] [erf(3)#] [reaction(7)#] [1#] [rule of 70(5)#] [7b#] [1#] [snow(7b)#] [7#] [6#] [9#] [Fourier(9)#] [circuit(5)#] [6#] [9#] [3#] [air resistance(9)#] [10#] [4b#] [8#] [3#] [2#] [3#] [chicken coop(12)#] [2b#] [Bessel(4)#] [6#] [2a#] [4#] [5#] [8b#] [3c#] [6#] [Hanoi Tower(11)#] [5#] [Legendre(7)#] [9ac#] [6#] [10#] [6#] [10bc#] [5e#] [8#] [11#] [1de#] [5#] [10#] [6#] [7#] [3#] [7#] [10a#] [3#] [6#] [7#] [4#] [11#] [3#] [6#] [3d#] [6b#] [8#] [2c#] [3ab#] [6b#] [1ef#] [2#] [6#] [3#] [8a#] [10c#] [6#] [7#] [10#]
Parametric Equations [Battle Bugs(10)#] [4#] [Okefenokee(6)#] [2#] [4#] [hormones(11)#] [Ferris(5)#] [5#] [8bc#] [6#] [5#] [4#] [5b#] [ant(5)#] [2#] [3#] [6#] [heart(5)#] [birds(3)#] [alpacas(2)#] [soup(6)#] [8a#] [chickens vs. robots(7b)#] [spinning(1)#] [boxers2(8)#] [11#] [O ghan(3)#] [tracking chip(10)#] [8#] [Venice Beach(6)#] [8c#] [4#] [toy car(7)#] [witch curves(7a)#] [nightmare(1)#] [7#] [2#] [Xena(8)#] [race(1)#] [5#] [9b#] [giraffe art(4)#] [intruders(2)#] [8c#] [bumper cars(8)#] [Brangelina(9)#] [4#] [8a#] [ant race(3)#] [bug races(4)#] [Maria Luisa(2)#] [10d#] [snail race(3)#]
Arc Length (Parametric Curves) [Okefenokee(6d)#] [ant(5)#] [2#] [spinning(1)#] [8a#] [Venice Beach(6)#] [4#] [race(1)#] [5b#] [intruders2(3a)#] [bumper cars(8c)#] [Brangelina(9b)#] [4d#]
Polar Coordinates [9bc#] [wing(6)#] [8#] [triangle(6)#] [5#] [8#] [cardioid(2)#] [5#] [microphone(2)#] [lagoon(8)#] [pledge pin(6)#] [spirals(8)#] [spiral(2)#] [5#] [peanut(8)#] [volcano(4)#] [pond rock(9)#] [alpaca pool(7)#] [6b#] [crop circle(8)#] [wild chickens(5)#] [lilypad(2)#] [spaceship(11)#] [ladybugs2(10)#] [moon(4)#] [tattoo(9)#] [Leia Han Luke(2)#] [can opener(9)#] [propeller(1)#] [7#] [8a#] [lemniscate(2)#] [8d#] [sand dollar(8)#] [2p1 orbital(4)#] [2#] [trail(6)#] [butterfly(4)#] [castar(2)#] [rodent bite(2)#] [9a#] [island(2)#] [9b#] [boats(7)#] [fan(7)#] [5#] [5#] [8b#] [7#] [clover(5)#] [10e#] [1#] [4#]
Arc Length (Polar Coords) [8c#] [cardioid(2c)#] [spirals(8)#] [pond rock(9b)#] [lilypad(2)#] [ladybugs2(10c)#] [polar rose(3)#] [6e#] [Leia Han Luke(2b)#] [propeller(1)#] [lemniscate(2)#] [2#] [trail(6b)#] [butterfly(4b)#] [10c#] [rodent bite(2c)#] [boats(7b)#] [fan(7c)#] [5d#] [5d#] [1f#] [4b#]

Some of the older topics that may be on the final:

Topic 2001–2012 2013–present
Fundamental Theorems [1d#] [2#] [Si(1)#] [5e#] [7#] [traffic(10)#] [farm(9)#] [2#] [5#] [7#] [particle(8)#] [1#] [aphids(8)#] [horcrux(2)#] [4#] [1ab#] [cookies(3a)#] [5#] [7abd#] [instruction speed(8a)#] [exam rate(5ab)#] [7a#] [air resistance(8a)#] [2#] [earth(4c)#] [containers(1)#] [2a#] [4#] [5bd#] [8a#] [9#] [7#] [8#] [primes(1)#] [5abe#] [7#] [2#] [BTB(5)#] [sewage flow(3)#] [2#] [3#] [paint truck(7)#] [photo sharing(2)#] [3#] [8#] [2#] [2#] [island(3b)#] [4#] [5a#] [4ab#] [8c#] [2#] [tank(3)#] [2#] [3cd#] [5#] [tortoise+hare(8)#] [skydiver(5a)#] [Big House(2)#] [5#] [caffeine(7b)#] [8c#] [toxic fumes(5cd)#] [4#] [5c#] [6#] [1#] [2#] [3d#] [8b#] [EMP(1)#] [bucket(1)#] [rollerblading(6)#] [2#] [4#] [boxers1(7bc)#] [2#] [3#] [diver(4)#] [5#] [8bc#] [1#] [10c#] [sparrows(2)#] [4a#] [6a#] [Equinate(11)#] [plankton(2)#] [4c#] [counting money(5a)#] [7ab#] [8c#] [tomatoes(1)#] [6#] [solar panel(5bc)#] [8#] [11cd#] [owl and dove(2)#] [4#] [6ac#] [3ab#] [2#] [4c#] [7a#] [1b#] [2#] [3b#] [polar vortex(4b)#] [2#] [toxins1(4)#] [toxins2(5)#] [7b#] [10b#] [3#] [heart rate(5)#] [rocket(7a)#] [11a#] [11c#] [stork(2)#] [3b#] [mahogany(8a)#] [giraffe(1)#] [8#] [juice(4)#] [6#] [9b#] [9#] [2#] [race(3bc)#] [gardening(9a)#] [2#] [6a#] [Poseidon(8)#] [2#] [3ac#] [tree growth(7ab)#] [chipsets(1)#] [2a#] [4#] [5a#] [sapphire(7a)#] [2#] [lasagna(3)#] [beets(5a)#] [1a#] [2#] [Helga(3ac)#] [rain(4b)#] [1b#] [lemonade(1)#] [lemonade2(2)#] [4#] [9#] [reservoir(1d)#] [3#] [4#] [8b#]
Riemann Sums [3#] [5#] [chemical spill(3bcd)#] [3#] [3#] [cookies(3bcd)#] [6#] [ice cream(2)#] [8c#] [3#] [sewage flow(3d)#] [drug(4)#] [lagoon(8)#] [photo sharing(2)#] [garden(6)#] [island(3a)#] [8ab#] [tank(3f)#] [5bc#] [3#] [2#] [skydiver(5b)#] [light bulb(1)#] [Big House(2d)#] [shawarma kafta(4b)#] [toxic fumes(5ab)#] [1a#] [2#] [board game(7c)#] [8c#] [EMP(1b)#] [4#] [8a#] [1d#] [5#] [caffeine IV(1a)#] [catapult(1)#] [3ab#] [4#] [8b#] [counting money(5bcd)#] [7cd#] [tomatoes(1c)#] [1a#] [catenary(2d)#] [11ab#] [8#] [10ac#] [3cd#] [4b#] [tennis balls(9)#] [1c#] [11b#] [5#] [carrot(7c)#] [9#] [castar(2c)#] [park(8)#] [9bc#] [11b#] [7ab#] [2ab#] [9a#] [SouthU meal(5b)#] [7#] [5ab#] [3ab#] [3d#] [9b#] [6d#] [3bc#] [cards(5)#] [9#] [8#] [1c#] [8#] [10b#] [5c#] [reservoir(1bc)#] [8c#] [10#]
Integral Estimation [tree(9)#] [Aberister(7c)#] [bell(1c)#] [plane ticket(10)#] [11a#] [Scottish chests(4)#] [exam rate(5a)#] [air resistance(8c)#] [spider(3b)#] [pond(4b)#] [8#] [bucket(4)#] [earth(4b)#] [containers(1b)#] [3a#] [4#] [5a#] [4#] [surveyor(7)#] [3#] [sculpture(6)#] [4#] [5d#] [3#] [sewage flow(3d)#] [drug(4)#] [tank(3f)#] [5bc#] [light bulb(1)#] [shawarma kafta(4b)#] [toxic fumes(5a)#] [catapult(1)#] [4#] [solar panel(5)#] [polar vortex(4c)#]
L'Hôpital's Rule [6a#] [2b#] [9b#] [8c#] [8b#] [1d#] [9a#] [10#] [6ab#] [gardening(9b)#] [7#] [5ab#] [6c#] [8a#] [7b#] [1d#] [8b#] [2#] [9#]
Calculation of improper integrals [8#] [8a#] [4c#] [6#] [4#] [6b#] [instruction speed(8c)#] [2ac#] [pond(4c)#] [5c#] [population(2c)#] [2#] [rocket(1b)#] [6b#] [rod gravity(7)#] [5a#] [2d#] [7a#] [4b#] [tree(4b)#] [6c#] [11a#] [5#] [9b#] [9a#] [ladybugs2(10d)#] [1#] [6bc#] [1a#] [6c#] [10bc#] [11a#] [9b#] [2#] [witch curves(7b)#] [2#] [4b#] [1ab#] [8a#] [3b#] [10#] [party horn(8b)#] [4#] [rocket(7)#] [10#] [5b#] [6c#] [10b#] [gardening(9b)#] [7#] [tree growth(7c)#] [vuvuzela(8)#] [5b#] [4#] [1c#] [3#]
Convergence of improper integrals [5#] [8#] [7#] [9#] [2b#] [6#] [7#] [9#] [2#] [plankton(6)#] [3#] [8c#] [7#] [6ac#] [8#] [5bc#] [spirals(8)#] [2e#] [rod(7)#] [8#] [4c#] [7bc#] [2d#] [4a#] [6#] [tree(4a)#] [6ab#] [4a#] [10#] [11b#] [6ab#] [7#] [9a#] [6ab#] [11a#] [9b#] [10#] [3#] [9#] [6#] [1b#] [6de#] [9#] [10a#] [9#] [11b#] [5#] [9a#] [5#] [8ab#] [8#] [3a#] [8b#] [5a#] [3a#] [6#] [7c#] [5a#] [9a#] [7#] [intruders2(3b)#] [4a#] [gardening(9c)#] [beanstalk(1a)#] [8#] [5c#] [7#] [flood(4c)#] [8b#] [2#] [5#] [1b#] [beets(5b)#] [5a#] [1a#] [4#]
Prob Dist/Density [juggling(5)#] [1#] [bus(7)#] [pollen(5)#] [1c#] [juice(2)#] [6#] [jobs(3)#] [squirrels(8)#] [math classes(9)#] [5#] [Cauchy(8)#] [wind(1)#] [snow(7)#] [switchboard(4)#] [camp(6)#] [bus(5)#] [cell phone(3)#] [pizza delivery(6)#] [robot(3)#] [wire(9)#] [2c#] [internet cafe(8)#] [tree(4)#] [pneumonia(5)#] [coffee(9)#] [telemarketing(5)#] [6#] [3#] [psych experiment(9)#] [class time(5)#] [10#] [5c#] [1c#] [3b#] [bus(5)#] [bicycle vs bus(2)#] [8#] [black hole(9)#] [game(3)#] [spider web(4)#] [10c#] [2#] [walks(6)#] [9ad#] [1#] [cat trumpet(7)#] [5b#] [healing time(4)#] [build time(5)#] [10c#] [SouthU meal(5)#] [Mathmart(2)#] [present(5)#] [7#] [feast(10c)#] [pitch speed(1)#] [pitch speed 2(2)#] [3a#] [movie ratings(1)#] [train(3)#] [9a#] [flight delay(1)#] [reality show(1)#] [flood(4a)#] [napping(1)#] [3#] [bicycle trip(1)#] [song writing(6)#] [random number(6)#] [1be#] [snail race(5)#] [snail journey(6)#]
Sequences [2#] [2#] [4#] [4#] [3a#] [1#] [3a#] [bouncy ball(7)#] [gamma(10ac)#] [1#] [7#] [7a#] [10#] [1a#] [1a#] [10a#] [2a#] [8#] [8b#] [6#] [4abcd#] [2#] [4#] [2abc#] [6#] [3a#] [10#] [8#]
Geometric Series [2#] [nautilus(9)#] [decimal(5)#] [pendulum(8)#] [1#] [triangle(6)#] [8b#] [Sierpinski(4)#] [savings(2)#] [Zeno(4)#] [fire alarm(5)#] [ibuprofin(6a)#] [stimulus(1)#] [signal fire(4)#] [savings(4)#] [drug(10)#] [banks(7)#] [boat(3)#] [movie tickets(10)#] [pool(2)#] [robot army(4)#] [checkers(11)#] [3c#] [9b#] [drug(11bc)#] [bouncy ball(7)#] [cult(9)#] [5b#] [bacteria parasite(2)#] [element X(4)#] [6b#] [lifting weights(2)#] [2b#] [redwoods(4)#] [log pile(2)#] [sheep(3)#] [8a#] [feast(10ab)#] [data storage(5)#] [6#] [2d#] [insects(4)#] [1c#] [3b#] [Plaque Man(4)#] [10c#] [1d#] [sand tower(9)#]
Series Converge/Diverge [6#] [2#] [4#] [3#] [1b#] [1b#] [8#] [8c#] [5#] [cos(8a)#] [4#] [5#] [1#] [2#] [9#] [6#] [2#] [3#] [6#] [8#] [5#] [5#] [3#] [7c#] [9#] [2#] [7#] [2#] [10#] [7#] [3#] [5#] [6#] [9#] [2#] [4#] [8#] [6cd#] [10#] [11b#] [1#] [10#] [13#] [2#] [pizzas(5)#] [10d#] [3bc#] [4#] [9d#] [disc tower(2b)#] [3#] [sand dollar(8c)#] [6#] [8bc#] [gamma(10b)#] [12#] [6#] [11#] [4a#] [4#] [7#] [9#] [10#] [7#] [9ab#] [5#] [6ac#] [10#] [5#] [7#] [8#] [10b#] [11#] [6#] [8#] [5c#] [9#] [10a#] [4b#] [6#] [3b#] [9#] [10#] [4efgh#] [4c#] [9b#] [10#] [8c#] [3#] [5#] [6#] [7#] [3b#] [7a#] [8#] [9#] [7#] [8#] [8cdef#]
Radius/Interval of Conv [2#] [5#] [3#] [3#] [8a#] [relativity(9b)#] [cos(8a)#] [6#] [2#] [7abd#] [3#] [8#] [3#] [8#] [5#] [5#] [8#] [7#] [8b#] [6c#] [8#] [9#] [2a#] [5#] [7#] [8a#] [8#] [12#] [1#] [2#] [12#] [7#] [3c#] [9#] [10a#] [3#] [4#] [5a#] [3c#] [6#] [9b#] [11c#] [1bc#] [7#] [10b#] [1b#] [5#] [3a#] [10a#] [3#] [6#] [3b#] [4#] [8ab#] [10#] [2#] [4#] [5#] [6a#] [7#] [1#] [3c#] [8#] [1d#] [9#] [3a#] [7#] [10ab#] [11#] [2#] [7b#]
Area/Volume Integrals [table leg(3)#] [geyser(11)#] [sandpile(9)#] [snowman(3)#] [tank(10)#] [6#] [7#] [6a#] [Circle City(8)#] [9e#] [plate(6)#] [sculpture(7)#] [bell(1)#] [11c#] [pyramid(3)#] [pond(4)#] [earth(4)#] [submarine(2a)#] [5#] [metal sheet(8ab)#] [sculpture(6)#] [ice cream(2)#] [10#] [4#] [cubic submarine(6b)#] [metal plate(8ab)#] [6#] [wine glass(7)#] [4#] [7#] [4b#] [elliptical(7a)#] [7#] [9a#] [light bulb(1)#] [9#] [10#] [table leg(11)#] [doorknob(9)#] [board game(7)#] [8d#] [chickens vs. robots(7c)#] [dog bowl(2a)#] [money pool(5)#] [8b#] [3bc#] [thumbtack doorknob(10)#] [jewelry(7)#] [8d#] [Hanoi Tower(11)#] [6b#] [weather balloon(3)#] [Rodin Coil(6)#] [disc tower(2a)#] [catenary(2b)#] [rattleback(6)#] [2#] [pyramid(7)#] [10b#] [juice(10b)#] [tent(3)#] [6ab#] [3c#] [smoothies(6)#] [8b#] [cave(3a)#] [ring(9)#] [party horn(8a)#] [trapezoid(4)#] [5#] [containers(3)#] [4ab#] [beanstalk(1b)#] [4a#] [5c#] [2#] [5#] [submarine(6a)#] [2b#] [5b#] [doughnut(6ab)#] [6#] [vuvuzela(8)#] [cheese(6)#] [4a#] [Katydyd(5)#] [5bd#] [bakery(5a)#] [Bundt cake(6)#]
Arc Length (Cartesian Coords) [spider(3a)#] [spaceship(3)#] [ramp(5)#] [garden(6e)#] [4a#] [dog bowl(2b)#] [3a#] [8a#] [6c#] [4b#] [catenary(2c)#] [8d#] [7c#] [8a#] [park(8b)#] [4c#] [4b#] [9a#] [doughnut(6c)#] [Helga(3b)#] [10a#] [bakery(5b)#]
Volume Integral with Density [stalagmite(9)#] [pyramid(6)#] [bucket(4ab)#] [sculpture(6)#] [sewage tank(2)#] [sand dune(8)#] [bowling pin(5)#] [garden(6)#] [plate(10)#] [tank(6)#] [lagoon(9)#] [4c#] [5a#] [elliptical(7b)#] [8#] [property values(4)#] [9b#] [cone(7a)#] [shawarma kafta(4)#] [olive oil(9a)#] [hemisphere(3)#] [doorknob(9)#] [knife(5)#] [plate(6a)#] [caffeine IV(1b)#] [carrots(6)#] [fishtank(3)#] [graphene(5)#] [rattleback(6)#] [4#] [Print.juice(3)#] [juice(10a)#] [6c#] [pond(8ab)#] [paperweight(6)#] [carrot(7)#] [8c#] [Ultron(3a)#] [cave(3b)#] [ring(9b)#] [charge(6)#] [ice cream(6a)#] [Chicago Bean(5)#] [ice cream(9a)#] [6c#] [ship(7)#] [submarine(6bc)#] [asteroid(8)#] [UBT(7)#] [9a#] [10c#] [ice cream(9)#]
Work [chain(8)#] [piston(7)#] [submarine(3a)#] [dirt(4)#] [resevoir(6)#] [rocket(1)#] [bio willie(7)#] [wine glass(7b)#] [mining hole(9)#] [tank(6)#] [tank(6)#] [swimming pool(6)#] [cone(7b)#] [triangular tank(6)#] [olive oil(9b)#] [drag queens(7)#] [hot chocolate(9)#] [punchbowl(10)#] [ditch(4)#] [money pool(5)#] [shark(8)#] [sand(7)#] [trash bag(9)#] [pyramid(12)#] [chocolate prism(9)#] [purple key(9)#] [Shamcorp(10)#] [4d#] [8a#] [nano pyramid(9)#] [rocket(9)#] [alfalfa funnel(4)#] [chain(9)#] [spring(8a)#] [sandbag(5)#] [muck tank(9)#] [video work(5)#] [pond(8c)#] [Infinity Tower(9)#] [Ultron(3b)#] [bucket(6)#] [pond(9)#] [artifact(9)#] [5a#] [cup(5)#] [water rocket(3)#] [ice cream(6b)#] [soup(8)#] [ice cream(9b)#] [isosceles tank(4)#] [triangular tank(7)#] [2a#] [flood(4b)#] [treasure(7)#] [Sisyphus(7)#] [cheese tank(8)#] [cliff(2)#] [9b#] [cliff(7)#] [bird bath(9)#]

All Exam 3's, with their medians:

Winter, 2003 Exam Solutions Winter, 2014 Exam Solutions 62
Fall, 2003 Exam Solutions 60 Fall, 2014 Exam Solutions 71
Winter, 2004 Exam Solutions 63 Winter, 2015 Exam Solutions 56
Fall, 2004 Exam Solutions 54 Fall, 2015 Exam Solutions 75
Fall, 2005 Exam Solutions 58 Winter, 2016 Exam Solutions 55
Fall, 2006 Exam Solutions 50 Fall, 2016 Exam Solutions 60
Fall, 2007 Exam Solutions 51 Winter, 2017 Exam Solutions 51
Fall, 2008 Exam Solutions 40 Fall, 2017 Exam Solutions 65
Fall, 2009 Exam Solutions 60 Winter, 2018 Exam Solutions 66
Winter, 2010 Exam Solutions Fall, 2018 Exam Solutions 61
Fall, 2010 Exam Solutions 58 Winter, 2019 Exam Solutions 52
Winter, 2011 Exam Solutions 57 Fall, 2019 Exam Solutions 70
Fall, 2011 Exam Solutions 51 Fall, 2020 Exam Solutions 74
Winter, 2012 Exam Solutions 60 Winter, 2021 Exam Solutions 67
Fall, 2012 Exam Solutions 67 Fall, 2021 Exam Solutions 73
Winter, 2013 Exam Solutions 64 Winter, 2022 Exam Solutions 66
Fall, 2013 Exam Solutions 72 Fall, 2022 Exam Solutions NONE
  Fall, 2023 Exam Solutions 72
  Winter, 2024 Exam Solutions 73
  Fall, 2024 Exam Solutions 66

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